“Do me a favor, hon, stop wearing black. It doesn’t do you any good”
I was stunned. ‘Why’d she say that?’ What nerve, some stranger try to hanging clouds over me and offer me some fashion tips. While I know I am not exactly mingling with the Beckhams but she isn’t exactly Donatella Versace either, so puhhlease!!
I was about to put dagger in her heart, quite literally, when I realized, she probably didn’t mean no harm, so I let it slip this time. But I have news for you girl;
I do own more than one black shirt!
Erm, OK. So is exactly my point. But what’s wrong with that?
Call me freak-of-nature, nut-jobs or even Hannibal Lecter but I couldn’t be more normal than any of you folks out there. Surely as a perfectly normal person, I do have a quirk or two but owning a closet-ful of black T-shirts wouldn’t qualify me for psychological studies subject, isn't it?
Thus, I feel obligated to explain myself - now that my “nonconformist” fashion style is under scrutiny - so that the next time you see me wearing the same T-shirt for 5 days running, please take note, it probably isn’t the same shirt. I just don’t prefer other colors.
1. Black T-shirt makes me….urm less fat. The wonder of dark colors redefine my bodyline and shape. (You should see me in Orange)
2. It makes me a little bit fairer - as comparison (need I to explain this?)
3. It screams ‘takes me seriously!’ (I-am-in-emo-band kinda serious!)
4. Easy to clean. No visible spots after eating Laksa or Mee Kari. And no Clorox or pounding on the rocks is necessary for those hard-to-rid-off stains.
5. Finally, the fashionista world over mantra; “You can never go wrong with a nice, black t-shirt” (well, not exactly, but who’s wearing little black dress, anyway?)
So these are why I love the color black so much. It does wonders to my body shape and skin tone and more importantly - my self-esteem. Black is timeless and so is my style.
Muah Muah Muah.
Erm, Ok maybe a short visit to the shrink wouldn't hurt.
Mus...Lamenye tak jmpa ko kan..
jum la lelepak kat kedai Ijan...
Tak kesah la ko nak pakai T-shirt ape pun..heheh... jnji suar tetap dikekalkan tradisinye..hehe..
Ala, aku tau la kau nak sorok perut... black is slimming khan??... Tapi tu bukan alasan tak payah gi jogging ye?
well i used to wear blue (my case) all the time but lately i try to mix with other colours, for variation purposes.
a shrink! come and visit me then. huhu
bro - wats wrong of wearin black? i got more blacks than u ever think!! heh. its nice, wat?
Jomlah Zack lepak samer, aku janji pakai seluar favourite ko tu..heheh
Pencerca mulai,
Wow..Thanks for the tips dude!..
U're a shrink?...serious?
mus - blue is my fav color. u shld try dark blue once a while la dude. huhu...
Wah! Awas katanya...
Anyway, it's ok la pakai black. Kalau kotor tak nampak.
Tak pasal pasal kena anjing menyalak bukit khan?
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