Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I Happened To Like Winning And Kicking Butts

I have always hated Family day. I am almost certain I did swear I'd never go the corporate family get-together wreck again. Why? Let me count the ways: 1) It was boring, 2) I am a single, childless dude who hates children 3) I’ve always being ended up alone or felt terribly lonely. Oh, and did I mention it was beyond boring?

But this year, despite my undying reservations, I stayed for few hours. That itself is quite an achievement for Mr Sceptic me! I guess I get a kick out seeing people kicking each other's butt.

Was it lackluster? That's an understatement. But did I still join every single game in the family telematch? Well, almost. Did I win anything? Oh yeah

So will I come again next year? Without a doubt.

I should be ashamed of myself, but at this point, I'm too lazy to care what anyone thinks of me. I happened to like my winning. And "kicking someone’s ass in telematch games" is now my guiltiest pleasure, and I've come to embrace it.

Just that next year, don’t make me wear one of these!

Kick my ass if you caught me in these, will ya. Heck, I'll kick my own ass!



good job buddy!!hahaha

Zetty said...

are you the one in the lion customer? auuummm... i like haha.

looka80 said...

mus - ur definitely a 'bear' guy. haha. get well soon buddy!

Mus The Great said...

Why, thank you


Thanks Bro

Be careful of what you wish for dude!..hehe