I don’t feel too good lately and this can’t be right.
After much of that so-called “chaos” in my office last week, I can’t afford to be sick, heck, I can’t even afford to “look “sick - definitely not in front of these over-the-top drama queens – they’ll banish me from this building like I am the source of the death of humanity. Or worse, take my car like they did to that MB’s Camry. Shudder.
I try to remain calm and collected. Powder my nose every hour so that it won’t get too reddish and drippy but sigh, who am I kidding?
Owh, such a drama queen...
Have you gone to the GP's office? Do some medical check up, dude. I'm not feeling peachy either. Sore throat and dragging coughing since 4 days ago. And being a paranoid sicko, I am extremely scared of the swine flu. Have you heard that the swine flu has evolved to somewhat zombie kinda flu? The heart of the deceased started to subtly pump after a few hours of death!
Owh, I should have written it like this --> "Owh such a drama queen.. As always.."
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