Monday, July 28, 2008

.....I Was Just Born This Way

Since I was young I’ve always had irrational hate (fear) towards 'man’s best friend'. Dogs simply creep me out…and annoy the hell out of me too. They bark incessantly to anyone or anything that moves and they smell like, err..well, like wet dogs. Most of the times I would take a longer route to my destination, just to avoid this furry creature from barking at me or even worse chase me down the road (that’d be a truly stuff of my lifetime horror!)

No matter how cute people say they are, they gross me out and thanks to my religious upbringing, I was told dogs are dirty and ‘haram’ to pet. My hatred towards dogs came even more closer to crossing the fine line between child’s play and dogs’ version of Mona Fendi.

But that was along time ago and our government looked a lot different then. Now that I am older and have a nice car, I am no longer afraid to go anywhere. Over the years, I have probably managed to suppress the ‘psychological scars’ to my deepest thoughts and naively I thought I was over this terrorizing period but……

But revenge finally comes to those people who wait.

As fate would have it, last Sunday afternoon, I was driving leisurely as I always do during weekend, when I saw this limpy dog in the middle of the road tried to cross over to the other side. I didn’t know what might have come over me, when suddenly I went cold and without me knowing it had awaken the demon inside of me. The one nobody wants to see. I became the very person I hated to be.

I ran over the dog!

I could almost hear a little whine. It sounds so wrong yet so satisfying it’s almost like a jinggle to me. I jolted in devilishly self-satisfaction and relief.

Still, I took a pause and soon realized, I had no regret. I didn’t feel terrible at all for the despicable act I did. Instead, it dawned to me; 'Hey I am not the prey anymore. I am the fearful hunter, the master of my own destiny'. I am finally free and It felt really good. (Que: Imagine me laughing maniacally!)

I am so going to Hell, am I?


Mus The Great said...

welcome to the club dude!...let's bash up some more dogs!...huwahahahha huwahahaha

looka80 said...

i neither hate nor love dog.

Anonymous said...

mus.. u are so sick!!!! i hate u!
they are god's creature too u know.. it's not their fault that they are dogs!! don't blame me if i run you over if i see you..

Zetty said...
