I know this is an old story but it has to be told. Two weeks ago, my friend, Hasmiron took a break from his studies in UK and so he was here in KL with us. (I think it would only fair if you guys read all about that on his blog cause, you know, due to its 'so-yesterday-news' tag, I don't want to sound lazy)
But that's not even half of the interesting story - he brought me (gasp!) Ally McBeal's DVD set of Season 1 for me. I was totally thrilled. Estatic even.
You see, Ally McBeal always have and still is one of my most - if not the most - favourite TV show, like EVER! So I spent a total 7 days to finish all of the episodes back to back - sorta Ally McBeal Marathon week. I simply couldn't put it down. It was like a mad rush but it didn't feel force at all. Maybe it's because I was too familiar with the jokes and one-liners and watching the DVD was like strolling down the memory lane for me. Yet here I was, still chuckled at the very same jokes I heard a thousand times before and got choked up everytime Richard spews his 'Fishism' at every opportunities! Priceless.
This is joy. This is like one of those pleasure in life or a little happiness I am glad to know about and I only have one person to thank for.
Thank you Hasmiron for this bit of a nice gesture. You bring tears to my eyes....of joy and gladness. The one I came to know probably a good 10 years ago.
1 comment:
we're most welcome!
the 2nd season is currently with my classmate, if not would have brouhgt it back too.
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