For starter, The Incredible Hulk was awesome! Go watch it! (That is, if you love seeing half naked green man smashing army tankers or simply loves seeing half naked man). It’s a million times better than the moody, 2003 version.
So how is it any better than the first one? Well, more explosions, more dead people and errr.. TWO half naked green men? Seriously me think, this one doesn't pretend to 'art-house' phony, it sticks up to what it was intended to be - mainstream, kick- ass, butt-smacking, summer blockbuster hit! Period.
Then, my Saturday morning turned out to be a bigger ‘smashing’ one for me. My dear friend Herman suddenly decided to throw away a pair of free air ticket to me to any Firefly destination. Well, in return for a small favor I have to do for him (No, Not THAT, you perv!) I was touched. Still is. Thanks Herman, you know, this friendship doesn’t come cheap everyday (wink wink)
Just when I thought it couldn’t get any better than this, surprises come in two phone calls
Hafez: “Mus , ambik cupcake ko malam ni”
En Halim: “En. Syed, baju raya dah siap”
Woohoo. I was elated.
So I was running from one side of KL to another before somewhat settling in the middle to meet my brother for a cuppa (more like a platta!).
Two days of fun-packed, everything-rosy and go-my-way days. Loved it!
Wait, it’s Sunday night already?! Wo, It’s certainly didn’t feel like it has been two days already. What a cruel irony of ‘time flies’. Gosh! I need to catch up on time.
So what do you do? You bought a nice, pricey this one!
bestnya, ada jam baru!!!
so, where u want to fly? take lots of pictures, k!
mus - i punya baju melayu pun dah siap. huhu.
smashin! (wat ever it is.. hehe)
Dah ngap satu cupcake baru tangkap gambar. Aku kira, ada 24 dalam kotak tu. Hehehe.
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