Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Mysteriously, Indeed!

I probably did my own ‘little’ dance. You know, the fat man ‘jump’ - as if nobody saw me. But I couldn’t help it. It felt like a whole lot of weight – the size of statue of liberty - had been lifted off of my shoulder. I felt bliss.

So what gives?

Well, yesterday, I ‘managed’ to finish my assignments – two of them, all in 48 hours! Hurriedly binded them together and ran to MEF for submission 20 minutes before last minute of acceptance! Phew! Can you believe that? Me neither but miracle works in a mysterious way, they say.

(Consider the speed I was doing it, it was indeed an epic proportion achievement. If this is not already a world record, I don’t know what is)

OK, now before you go on and passing on harsh judgment on me, let’s go back and rewind what had been happening from exactly one month before – from the very first day it was announced there would be assignments to be submitted.

Did article on Beyond P. Ramlee, Balik Kampung, PD, Genting, Shopping, Watched Kung fu Panda, did more shopping, Cupcake party, Work, More work, sleeping, swimming, mooore sleeping and more swimming.

See, I have been busy. Life is busy. Isn’t that one hell of a bunch of good reasons already?

OK, not quite, but miracles do work in a mysterious way, don’t they?

P/s No returned assignment is already half of good news for me. Now let’s move on and try to overturn the impending doomsday - 12 July 08 – the final exam! Gosh! The last time I remember I had this mad rush of adrenalin – assignments and exam - was circa late 90s. It surely feels as isn’t much fun as it was 10 years ago.


Echos Of The Mind said...

miracles do work in a mysterious way - indeed!

looka80 said...

mus - way to go!

barabarahooo said...

odear brother mus
i ws wodering if ure bezy today
im quite free 4 a while
aa.... sudahla nk BI2 lak
so abg mus akhirnya saya dapat gak msg kt abg
keje bnyk lagi x
truskan usaha
hari2 keja.....
k nie apiz bdk gelap sepupu oz ngan pedos..
so skang sy ada kat ngri 9 lg
bln 8 klau x de prob saya dtg jmpo abg mus
daniel sihat x nangis kn.... he...he...
tlg krim salm kt kak rosma kak lili n brother fadlie
lokman pon jgn lupe klau ada kontek dier
k klau ade mase msg la saya apiz kt
myspace leh blogger pon leh facebook pon leh k
g dlu abg mus
mus de great 4 eva n eva