Saturday, January 12, 2008

I Was Told I Was A Good Driver!

Not in a million years I thought it would have happened to me. I mean, come on, I was told I was a good driver!!

It was a wet, wet Thursday late afternoon. I was supposed to pick up my brother at my aunt's house in PJ. I promised to him, we would go back to Kulai together this time. Since it was a public holiday (Awal Muharram), the road was looking clear and driving was a breeze. I was in a chirpy mood.

But things were getting gloomier after that.

As I was driving along Federal Highway, the traffic started to build up, and by the time anyone can scream "traffic jam!" I saw three cars already piled up on the right lane, about 10meter ahead of me.

I, then, out of curiosity, slowed my car. "Slow" as in slowly pushed my brake pedal . I swear to God, there was no sudden movement. No emergency brake or any sort of harsh reaction. Yet, to my horror, my car moved and completely went against my wish. I panicked. A car in front of me already in stationary position. I went pale.

I tell you, eveeeerything went slow-mo after that. As if, my entire life flashed before my eyes!


I was frozen in place. The only thing that was on my mind on the very moment was my mommy. 'Where is my mommy when I need her?' If this was some kind of a dream, please, please Mom, or anyone for that matter snap me out of this nightmare – pour on the hot oil on me or even burn my bed.

Unfortunately my pray wasn’t answered. Instead, two burly Chinese guys in their 30s, opened the car door, checked the car, contemplated something and one of them calmly came towards me.

God, I wanted to do the same but I couldn’t feel my legs.

If there was any consolation, they weren’t armed. As far as I could see, no pointy things at the end of their arms, other than, well, their nails.

Miraculously, maybe, in fear of their sharp, pointy nails, I, then mustered enough strengths and courages to finally, got out the car and was ready to embrace my untold consequences.

He gave me a stern, mean look.

“So macam mana ni?”

I looked at my car – no damages, no scretch. His, Hyundai Matrix – a small dent.

“I am so sorry Boss. Hujan. Licin”

He looked at me, unable to deny the obvious.

“But if we can exchange numbers, I’ll fix your damages. But I don’t have enough cash now”.

He looked back at his car and then, he looked at me, only this time, pityingly.

It rained heavily by then.

He then said something that still rings true, yet unbelievably oh-my-God to my ears.

“Tak apalah, never mind”

Though I felt like I was in the throes of jumping up and down, but I resisted. It was such an awkward moment for me.

“Can you at least take my card?”

“Nah, it’s ok”. Waved his hands violently.

"Pleeesee?"He was adamant.

As he drove away out of my sight, I couldn’t help but wondered, “What was that all about?” I mean, he would rather pay for his car than give his number to me? I was totally baffled. Why?

Well, I am definitely not losing sleep over this, yet it is one of the things that I would love to find out. If there was anything I learned from this 'little' misadventure; 'Mind your own distance' and 'Sorry goes a loong way'.

Boy, am I glad nobody got hurt and I am also glad with the fact that I handled it with grace and much aplomb. I was shattered but never crumbled.

Yeap, guys I still drive to anywhere. Pleasee, I was told I was a good driver!


ukanera arenaku said...

hehehe... sabar ya Mus.

looka80 said...

mus... you're one lucky B*****D!!!

Hafez Zahruddin said...

Nasib baik. Kalau aku, mau pitam jap.

Zetty said...

u were lucky, man! some drivers would have menjerit2 mintak gantirugi.