But ‘iron-willed determination’ has never been my strength; I guess open houses and after-Raya gathering are to be blamed.
So last weekend was all about 'pigging out' and 'stuffing in' for me. 'Eating to your heart contents' is no longer an expression, it’s now a clinical term. Luckily, I have friends with similar ‘condition’ to make it looks OK.
And usually, I don’t do open house. You see, my house is always opened for my friends to come over, but last Friday night, ‘coming over’ has taken a new meaning; ‘taking over’ was more like it.
It was a good night, at least I can fret less about comparisons to Pak Lah’s Open House; Hindraf leaders gave my open house a miss. But what I lacked in “raucous” atmosphere, it was more than make up with Reena, Azrill and Hafez presence; who sure know how to ‘tune up’ the party.
Hasmiron, Amir and Rick were visibly disappointed with an absent of my “Ayam Madu Oat Ala Yunani”. I decided it was too much ‘work’.
Ejam and Sham came a night earlier and it was their first time to my ‘crib’. Thank you guys for coming over. You know how I appreciate the gesture. I apologize if there was anything at all not to your fancy or liking. My little advice: Deal with it!
I guess it true when my mom says wherever there’s good food, there’s good people. I defy you to find any more enjoyable way to waste significant portions of your life than spending it with familiar faces; with good food on the side.
But NO ketupat, rendang or lemang please. One more mention about that I swear I’d go nuts!
No more ketupat, lemang and rendang???!!
i couldn't even get any of them....
ps - the skin changed, ay? :)
thank you Mus for hosting and for that wonderful get-together we had last week.
what's wrong with ketupat, lemang & rendang? nothing is too much when it comes to good food hehehe
mus - dat close up made me look pretty-ugly lah. haha. i enjoyed going to ur hse. so cozy and user-friendly gituh. btw, love ur new skin. 8-)
since ko takde chat box..aku nak komen pic profile baru ko tu.. " ade pun gambar real..perlu ke letak bear dulu..Nway cute n macho la.." hehe.. tapi tak banyak perubahan la ngan pic profile sebelum.. hehe..
slamat ari raye Mus.
sian, naper tak ckp aritu boleh i kirim..heheh..yeap i changed the skin...nice tak?
No problem..dtglah lagi
i guess you're right but too much of everthing is bad for your health kan?..heheh
i think u look fine...thanks for loving the new skin...i like it too!..;)
heheh...i take it as a compliment...thank YOU
Thanks for the night...
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