Friday, October 24, 2008

Ryan Seacrest

Earth is estimated to be about 4.5 billion years old and for much of that history it has been home to some unintelligent life in one form or another – and I am one of them.

Volunteering myself for the last-minute MC-ing job is probably the dumbest thing I ever done or inflicted myself upon to in my entire young, soon-to-be-short life. What was I thinking?

In 5 days time I am gonna be the “Ryan Seacrest” of one of the biggest events in the Bank and yet - get this – I still don’t have a partner, don’t know what to wear, never attended rehearsal, never been to meetings and the biggest cardinal sin of all; I haven’t even prepared the text!

And some moron I was, thinking that everything would be serving in a silver platter once I said yes for O-the-great Mus. Well somebody obviously “didn’t get the memo”!

“Mus, maybe you’re worry too much, you are only MC-ing, not, God-forbid, singing”

“Why get an ulcer over trivial things like this, just talk and be done with it”

Everyone thought I was whiny, overreacting 10-year old freak and they acted as if I’ve no right to my ‘concern’ and feeling. Urggrgh. Forgive me an ounce of cynicism but when it comes to my reputation, I don’t do half-ass job.

As I type this, a thousand and one unpleasant, PG-rated thoughts are coursing through my puny brain.

Can I do it?
Will I suck?
Am I sure about this?

Nope, I can be a lot of things but crazy is not one of them – stupid maybe.

And I am sure I am not the only one.


looka80 said...

mus - rilex. dont worry to much k. ur gonna be just fine dude. all the best! 8-)

Mus The Great said...

sham, JM,