Earth is estimated to be about 4.5 billion years old and for much of that history it has been home to some unintelligent life in one form or another – and I am one of them.
Volunteering myself for the last-minute MC-ing job is probably the dumbest thing I ever done or inflicted myself upon to in my entire young, soon-to-be-short life. What was I thinking?
In 5 days time I am gonna be the “Ryan Seacrest” of one of the biggest events in the Bank and yet - get this – I still don’t have a partner, don’t know what to wear, never attended rehearsal, never been to meetings and the biggest cardinal sin of all; I haven’t even prepared the text!
And some moron I was, thinking that everything would be serving in a silver platter once I said yes for O-the-great Mus. Well somebody obviously “didn’t get the memo”!
“Mus, maybe you’re worry too much, you are only MC-ing, not, God-forbid, singing”
“Why get an ulcer over trivial things like this, just talk and be done with it”
Everyone thought I was whiny, overreacting 10-year old freak and they acted as if I’ve no right to my ‘concern’ and feeling. Urggrgh. Forgive me an ounce of cynicism but when it comes to my reputation, I don’t do half-ass job.
As I type this, a thousand and one unpleasant, PG-rated thoughts are coursing through my puny brain.
Can I do it?
Will I suck?
Am I sure about this?
Nope, I can be a lot of things but crazy is not one of them – stupid maybe.
And I am sure I am not the only one.
mus - rilex. dont worry to much k. ur gonna be just fine dude. all the best! 8-)
sham, JM,
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