But with prices of consumer knick-knacks skyrocketing by the minute, we’re going to have to be a bit prudent with our, sometimes frivolous, purchases, aren’t we?
O yeah you poor, poor kid!
So I had my Raya shopping list ready waaay back before BN lost 5 states to Pakatan Rakyat. The list is going on and on but trust me most of the things on the list are hardly frivolous, much less extravagant – it’s strictly ‘festive-related’ only, very prudent and sensible. Or so I hope.
Alas, two days ago, the words ‘prudent’, 'sensible’ and ‘festive-related’ took a tragic turn. I skidded to the darks side. The devil inside me was working overtime - wait, aren’t they supposed to be ‘locked up’ during Ramadan? – O well I guess it was just me being bad. Really really bad.
Say hello to these 'babies'. I guess this year Raya will be more about 'viewing' and 'washing' than 'visiting' and 'celebrating' eh?
I swear I hammered ‘NO’ repeatedly to the salesperson and then ran for a cover under the display sofa. Heck, I even pretended I lost my parents! But noooo, before I know it I received a call informing me that my purchases of ‘delights’ are on their way. Damn those! I could almost hear me banging my head on the wall right now.
God, I wish I had more money than JK Rowling – most of mere mortals can only dream about. They say happiness is the measure of true wealth. Rubbish; it’s money, and lots of it –all spend on those things you proudly show off to your guests on the first day of Raya and forget all about it the next day. Sigh!
Blame it on the Devil. I am innocent.
what was ur purchase? washing machine or sofa?
amboi... raya sakan!
tumpang gembira!
ayo..pakcik kayo betul ek..awas kau kalau tak ajak aku dtg umah raya ni! harusla i tgk tv flat screen..nanti siap aku bawak baju tumpang basuh kat washing machine baru tu! hehehee
Mesin basuh, TV dan DVVD player jer...sofa dah ader dah
Kecik tapak tangan, Stadium Bird's nest tu I tadahkan...heheh
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