"I’m very motivated by money. The only thing that would
make me happier is more money "
make me happier is more money "
Simon Cowell
Of course it’s nothing earth-shattering about that, given those words came out from Son-of-the-Devil himself.
Do I find it appalling? No. Am I outraged? I doubt it. As shocking as it can be, I am kinda leaning on his side on this.
And before you call and give me those “Money Made Man Mad” or “Money Can’t Buy Happiness” speeches crap, I’ve got news for you:
I’ll trade my limbs for more money and I don’t give a rat’s ass if you think I am nuts.
Just yesterday one of my close friends posed an old-as-time question on our daily forum.
Should I choose money over security and trust?
Apparently she’s in two minds about accepting a new offer with an extra of RM1.8K or staying in her current office where she knows everyone and everyone knows her.
I’d say;
“What the hell were you thinking sister? RM1.8K extra?!!? Were you gloating or simply messing with our minds? Just grab the offer and stop whining!!
(Glad that finally got out from my system)
I've had friends who had no qualm working thousands miles away from home, middle of nowhere, just to earn few hundred ringgit more. People would do anything for more money. Even me, myself have been job-hopping for more than half a dozen times (or is it a dozen already?) just to earn enough ‘increment’ every year to support my celebrity lifestyle.
People are always drawn to that rectangular-colored-paper like a moth to the flame and sadly that’s what we are and what we will always be. So stop being a hypocrite and pretend like you can live without it, cause it’s just…sad. .
While it’s probably true (to some extend) money can’t buy happiness but surely more of it makes our lives much easier. Face it, life is hard nowadays and only more money can fix that. Call me morally challenged but I would do anything for more of that.
So in the spirit of devilish greed for MORE things; I just made a major decision in my adult life last Tuesday, (hint: something to do with MONEY). I am still not sure whether I was taking the right path but it did feel right at that moment. I am a man without a real moral compass so I guess there’s nothing much to lose, right?
Anyway, I took a liberty to post this cut-off from last Monday’s paper (NST, September, 18) to give you an idea what kind of world we live in right now.
The price of onions, potatoes, tomatoes, enriched wheat flour, instant noodles, milk, soya and fish have all shot up due to global demand, bad whether and poor harvests. The rush for bio fuels has also had a ripple effect on food prices as more and more energy producers look to corn, soya, sugar, palm oil and other agricultural produce as a source of energy.
Still think you have something mooore to say about that? Just scribble down here and enlighten me.
So... what's the major decision you took last tuesday? Care to share?
Mus.. I a gal with high morale value..ok.. sebab tu susah nak decide..huhuhu..
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