Today is 18th day of Ramadhan. That’s 12 days before Raya!
Questions to self:
Have I bought a New Baju Melayu for me?
Made Raya cookies for my mom?
Organized armed bank robbery for my siblings and nephew’s Duit Raya?
.......and more importantly; have I been losing weight?
If I listen closely I can almost hear a resounding NO at the end of each question.So what gives?
Well apart from the usual ‘I am too lazy/busy/cash strapped’ reasons, I do find myself un-excited, un-interested about this whole Raya thingy. Am I jaded now because I am too old to collect Duit Raya, (Wait, that was so 15 years ago) or too boring to sing along Raya songs with my guest during my open house?
When you reached at a certain age of 30s, Raya is not as much fun as, say, if you’re 10. But I learn not to be too tight up to the little Universe I am living in now. It is one of those special days where it’s ok to show to others that you are happy. So I sat down and thought hard on what I’d do differently this time that will make me happier than last year:
Hence, the list
5. Send Raya cards to at least 5 people who I haven’t spoken with for more than 1 year
4. Bake at least one type of cake/cookies for our astronauts. (Must be safe to human consumption and space-tolerable)
3. Lose at list 5kg before Raya, and gain less than 5 kg after Raya
2. Make my own ‘Mercun Buloh’ or anything 'illegal' with bamboos.
1. Record one Raya song in a CD and sell at discounted price to friends.
O and about those things I should buy, I guess I am gonna go cheap this time. After all, spending my own hard earned money won’t necessary help to boost my happiness right?
So to answer all those questions above I have a new resolution;
This year I am gonna concentrate on the human aspect of the celebration and less about material things and the very act of showing them off.
Questions, list and new resolution: I guess that’s what you have to put up with if you are jaded like me.
I thought that's indeed ur resolution for every Raya. hehehe. jgn marah ya, kau puasa kan...
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