Wednesday, November 7, 2007

I Want To Sing!!

I was watching MTV alone last night when I had a stunning revelation: “I have to get out of this house! I need to sing!”

Ever since Hasmiron’s Farewell Party couple months back, I had become housebound and I have been itching for karaoke nights out with my friends. My angelic voice needs audience. My fan has become restless. This gift from God needs to be shared with the world over.

The question is: When?

Until someone calls me, I am going to be on the top of a table gyrating to this tune….

Memacu Pembangunan Negara

Sinar mentari bak penyuluh diri
Menyusuri onak dan duri
Sama seiring ikhlas berbakti
Demi ibu pertiwi

Kita terbitkan semangat juang
Demi usahawan gemilang
Melaksanakan agenda kita
Membangunkan negara

Ini permulaan
Ayuhlah kita semua
Memacu pembangunan
Negara Malaysia

Ikrar dan janji penuh setia
Gigihkan usaha hingga jaya
Memacu pembangunan negara
Itu agenda kita

Repeat Chorus

Written by: Dato’ Wah Idris and Sheikh Faisal Sheikh Mansor
Produced by: Jermaine Dupri for So So Def Productions, Inc.
On: Blackout (Jive)/Mus’ Greatest Hits

*This damn song keeps playing in my head …somebody please shot me…

…..or the table will!

1 comment:

ukanera arenaku said...

Mus... you look.........
hmmm... how should I put it
you look......
physically different.