Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Nail Biting Facts

I found disturbing facts on the Internet about my disturbing bad habit – nail biting. Suddenly I feel the need to share these amazing-but-true facts with all people I like, now that I have found my true calling living in this world – to lead national nail biting anonymous group.

Fact No 1

The most common instigator of the disorder seems to be stress or anxiety. Nail and cuticle/skin biting may be an outlet for pent-up emotion, reducing tension.
i.e Thinning hair, ballooning weight, work stress related….

Fact No 2

Nail biters could also suffer from a poor self-image; low self esteem or could be punishing themselves for deeper-rooted problems or anxieties.
i.e Err..again, thinning hair, ballooning weight, work stress related…..and chest?!

Fact No.3

Nail biters are more often male than female (10% fewer girls bite their nails than boys)
i.e Not sure how this piece of information might help us...but surely gives our female friends a new perspectives on men...not!

Fact No.4

Individuals with a higher rate of intelligence tend to bite their nails more than those of less intelligence (studies seem to suggest this is because people with higher rate of intelligence have more responsibility, which provide more anxiety)
i.e Awww, come on, how can anyone argue with this?

Fact No. 5

Unfortunately no treatment exists for bad habits.
i.e This, definitely won’t help that self-esteem issue thingy…..Damn!

How can you help?

Of course, by treating nail bitters with respect. Lend an ear for us to bite, I mean to listen. Show us support by bringing nail clippers around for us. Find a salon that will apply artificial nails or full manicure make over for special people like us. Or better yet chew our nails for us, after all we are uncurable right?!

So when we are happy and less stress we have no reason to bite.


Manifestation of Life said...

i happened to be suffering with this nail-biting problem as well.. until i found my last solution right before Raya, that is MANICURE!
Yup, manicure helps a lot! by looking at your nice and shiny nails, would you still wanna bite it? not with me..
so, try it out Mus, try manicure..
hehehe, cheers!

Mus The Great said...

really? i tried that once. it didnt work.maybe i'd try it again.

ukanera arenaku said...

hmmm... are you sure there is no typo for fact no. 4?

Mus The Great said...


Haha!...me also hard to believe but that's the fact...caner kan?...anyway glad u got the drift