Friday, October 5, 2007

Looking Up!

Forget about the vampires. Today things are looking up for me.

Finally today is Friday, and that means tomorrow I am going to pack my bags and fly to the moon, figurative speaking. Ain’t that the most fabulous feeling?

Work related things that I was complaining about yesterday weren’t as horrible as I tried to make them out to be. It wasn’t a big deal after all. Suddenly the word of ‘Drama Queen’ doesn’t sound too far away eh? But hey that’s a narcissistic blogging to you.

And O, did I tell you that my employer felt a little generous yesterday?

This could be very well the best organization I ever worked with or maybe the best employer in whole wide world. In a less than a month, we are showered again with free goodies – this time, in a full load of multi-box container.

This stuff could easily worth more than RM200 dude!

Ever felt like, as if you were receiving humanitarian relief from UN and NGO volunteers in major natural disaster site? That’s how it felt like at the office last morning. Chaotic but heart wrenching! At the end, everyone went home happy.

Yes, yesterday was filled with madness and chaos, but today I feel more relax but a little anxious. For whatever that I have been through for the past few days, I just can’t wait to celebrate Raya to the max and come back to work all keyed up. Ehem, maybe not so much about come-back-to-work just yet, Sheesh, I have not even officially on holiday.

So for friends who still have to wake up early next Monday, I have two words for you: Good-luck-to-ya! O wait that’s four.

Everything comes back into perspective and goes back the way it should be – my way! And I can now looking forward to being a big fat grizzly bear or vampires....or maybe both.

Things are really looking up me. Happy holiday!


ukanera arenaku said...

Happy holiday, Mus! But u won't go home to ur kampung straight away, rite?

Mus The Great said...

yes i will...wait, is that a trap question?

ukanera arenaku said...

anyhow have a safe journey, k
i know u're better driver than me.