Thursday, July 26, 2007


OMG! Yesterday, my boss did the unbelievable. She allowed me to access to her blog!

How many people can claim that they know their bosses are blogging, let alone giving access to them?

None you say?

‘Jangan lupa baca tau!’

‘O. I wouldn’t miss it for the world, boss’ I said with an evil-grinned face.

Imagine getting access to your boss’ inner thought and deepest desire (wish me luck!). I am thinking a thousand and one devilish things I could do with this little trust, but being a good boy that I am, I won’t. The best part is, I can now play around with her menopausal mood every month: I can pick the best day to ask for extended lunch hour, tricking favorable appraisal review or when not to crack my stupid dirty jokes, and then some other endless possibilities.

Hey, maybe I can check on how she feels about me (or my work performance) since my probation period nearing to end soon. Now that is nerve wracking!

I don’t know what made her to act this crazy but boy, am I complaining?

Anyway, for what it worth now, I think she’s a terrific writer (not that I didn’t notice before). She picks her words well but don’t bother to mince them. Having read most of her latest posting, I felt inspired.

I want to express myself, in words, better, just like her. I want to be simple but effective thinker, just like her. I want to be a fair observant, just like her. I admire the delivery of her thoughts, something that I need to pay more attention to.

Her subjects are mostly her family, friends and work just like mine. And she keeps everything simple and not too specific just like mine. She keeps things in perspective and goes easy on things but at the same times not afraid to state the obvious.

I feel honored to be among those people she trusts. Come on, how come you don’t feel a bit flatter if someone you respect to open up this close. We are talking cyber ‘diary’ here people.

Now time to return the favor.

‘I takder blog lah Kak. Takder masa”

She gave me this do-you-think-I’m-stupid look.

Yeke?. OK. If you ever decided to blog, let me know. I’ll be your biggest fan’.

You bet.

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