If you thought ‘I have third nipple’ or ‘ I once married a bigfoot’ is among ‘things’ in the list, o boy, you’d be sorely disappointed, my friends.
I, as you might hard to believe, am a totally normal and wholesome guy. There’s nothing freakish or deviant about me, except well, maybe a little one or two quirks (aha!) that can hardly pass as Ripley’s materials.
(A common understanding and empathy is needed before you proceed)
I don’t like babies and kids
Yeah, you heard me right. When I see people congregating around an infant. I am always the one hanging back, the one
not begging to hold the baby, the one
not cooing and squealing but the one clearing his throat and looking politely bored.
Because of my noticeable lack of socially expected enthusiasm, people tend to associate my disinterest with my own personal reproduction.
Sheeesh. I just thought toddlers are nuisance when they cry incessantly and preschoolers make way too much noise.
I hate cats
Cats are annoying. They incessantly lick themselves. I used to have a housemate that never took showers. He only licked his whole body clean everyday. If you think that is gross, you have to think cats are too.
I like destroying things
As a kid I would always take things apart to see how they worked (and still do to this day) and would usually find a way to use what I unassembled in a way it was not intended for.
My mom banned me from touching her blender, even my ex housemate was forced to sell his washing machine and refrigerator to me. I guess that why my dad called me ‘Mus the Destroyer’
I have a morbid fascination about UFO
I have had a life long fascination with UFO's. I have never been abducted that I am aware of. I do not wish to be either. But I am so consumed by the topic or in the advanced technology that this subject is related to.
Look, we get so wrapped up in what Paris Hilton is wearing or who actually Erra Fazira is seeing – trivial things. Then you look up at the sky and you see stars and you think, “Wow, there’s a whole endless possibility above us.”
I eat my own fingernails
It started out by trying to bite off a hangnail, fray or tear in a nail. I’d try to fix it with my teeth to make it smooth. The next thing I know a chunk of skin or nail has been chewed off. Yikes!
Do you know nail biting can spread oral diseases like oral herpes because of the constant contact of fingers with the mouth of the individual? Do you know too that nail biting can be responsible for severe dental problems, like gingivitis?
You bet I didn’t know that.
So, here's the list of some of my biggest secrets that I have been hiding behind this exquisite exterior thus far. So whaddaya think? Still didn’t think that they were shocking enough? OK I tell you one more, but please don’t tell anyone.
I once thought Maradonna was a pop singer!