Thursday, August 16, 2007

Fully Stocked Up On Stupid People

“You really hate babies huh?”

“Yeah, but I never said I wouldn’t like to have my own baby, I just said I don’t like babies in general.”

“That doesn’t make any sense.”

“Sure it does. Think of it this way. I love my mom very much. She is my comfort, my pillars of strength. The fact that I don’t hang all over your mother and try to pinch her little cheeks does not mean that I hate all mothers, it just means that I prefer my own mother. Get it?”

“O my God, so you don’t like babies, and you hate mothers?”

Have you even been listening?

“Yes. So, I guess you are still single now because you can only love your own mother?”

Arghh. For the love of……I am going to lie down. Wake me up when it’s not so stupid outside.


Anonymous said...

"Fully Stockep Up On Stupid People"

i guess the 'intelligent' way of writing STOCKED is STOCKEP?

haha matilah WHEN GOOD WRITERS GO BAD haha. you must really hate me by now! haha...

Mus The Great said...

ooooo my god.....typo error maaa....hihihi...u have to forgive me for that....anyway thnaks for the highlight